You may have noticed my conspicuous absence in the last week or two... I have not been negligent, dear readers, but in a frenzy of activity ending in last weekend's glorious Maker Faire. This post will be doubly long to make up for it!
I was vending my Adornments for Tarts as part of the Steam Team, in the Carnivale Mechanique area of the Faire. The crowds, the wind, and the long days not-withstanding, my experience at the Faire was incredible. I'm still exhausted, but it was worth it, to be part of the single most concentrated gathering of creative, gorgeous, and debaucherous mad-people short of Burning Man.

Being delighted by some of my beloved Etsy Steam Teamers for the first time in the flesh - TotusMel, AlliesAdornments, and Clockwork Crow - and reuniting with old friends - Nullalux, Industrial Fairytale, Tom Banwell, and 19Moons - was glorious, though admittedly we were so busy we hardly had time for chatting... Nullalux in particular was juggling like mad to take care of all the mail-in items.

I was really excited to see everyone's work in person, particularly Tom's Pachydermos Gas Mask.

The weekend was filled with those kinds of magical peak moments that happen when you're in bliss... Drinking Irish coffee in the shadow of the Neverwas Haul with her brave and tireless crew, and then careening about on the little trolley...

Following the Golden Mean Snail Car and her brilliant gang of vagabonds from bar to bar in the sleepy suburban town, in full costume, confusing and delighting the locals...

Meeting some of my brilliant friends from the Interwebs in the flesh, most notably Molly "Porkshanks" Friedrich in her showstopping costumes...

...the resplendent Libby Bulloff, whose outfit on Sunday nearly made my heart explode with joy... shown here with Qais Fulton of Ectomo fame, who I failed entirely to meet...

...a beaming Tom Sepe and his splendid Whirlygig Emoto...

...and beautiful Theremina of Coilhouse ~ who stole my heart and serenaded the crowd with her antique Stroh violin, perched atop the Hennepin Crawler... she played violin for the beautiful dancers of Deshret, as well.

Another giddy moment was having my portrait drawn by the talented and sparklingly beautiful Suzanne Forbes...

And of course, watching my beloved Krank-Boom-Clank boys ride through the hordes of people on the Crawler, getting cheers everywhere they went.

And amidst all that madness, I still found time for drinking beer with the Boiler Bar crew under the propane glow of art by the Flaming Lotus Girls...

And not to forget kissin' on my beloved Stache.

Beautiful new friends and treasured longtime ones, your creativity and passion filled my heart to the brim this weekend. I fell in love all over again with the ragtag band of tinkerers, costumers, musicians, artists, and freaks that I call my community. This is a love letter dedicated to YOU.
Wind, cold and chaos not withstanding, it was a wonderful weekend full of wonderful people!
You, Emily, Molly - so much awesome in this post.
I really wish I could have made it out there this year - or last month, or the week before... there is so much going on in that region.
The link to the Stache, temporarily broken (site maintenance), but I would like to say "Congratulations!" :)
Thanks Myke! We'll keep our fingers crossed you can join us next year...
Broken link removed, silly ~ it's almost always down these days.
Those who wish to find more on my dashing husband Stache, a.k.a. Clifford, can find him though his building collective, Krank Boom Clank. Or Sassy Monkey Media.
Wonderful post of a wonderful event! The picture of me fitting Pachydermos to an admirer was new. Thank you!
How did you find time to DO anything?! I think I stepped out from behind that table...twice total! hehe.
Next year I clearly need A Minion.
I need to get out to some of these events
Wow, those pictures are so amazing. EVERYONE was there!!! I kind of a lot hate myself for not going. This internship....I swear. No job, no fun, no maker fair!!! They're getting a
I'm glad you took so many beautiful pictures and everyone had such a good time! I'm not going to miss anything like this again!!!
Thnx for the excellent blog post and great pix!
So-o-o-o inspiring...the creativity of all.
I wish I could have been there! Alas, thanks for sharing so that I may live vicariously through your blog.
Yes, I agree with Indy, minions for everyone! What a crazy, busy, fun weekend & orgy for the senses.
Such a splendid time. Much love to all!
Looks like so much fun!
I wonder if I can claim a trip next year on tax...surely there's something library-related at Maker Faire?
Or perhaps I can hitch a ride on the *does* traverse sea, I presume?
You look gorgeous. :)
It was indeed a wonderful weekend!
Wonderful post & glorious pics!
o i love these photos! i wish i could have been there to see it all in person!
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